With our powerful software tools, you can visualise huge power traces, automate large test plans and much more.  Our primary tools include:

Automated suite for running tests on data storage devices.  This gives you access to years of Quarch testing experience in minutes

Record long traces from our range of PPM and PAM instruments and view every detail of the performance of your device.  Power consumption is the main use case, but we can also display custom data and capture digital sidebands from supporting devices.  

Compatible with Python 2 and 3, this gives you full control over Quarch products and also automation of other software such as QPS  

The power behind QPS, this server app is also provided as part of Quarchpy and allows you to capture raw power data easily without the need to run the QPS visual application.
CTS runs our cable tester products and provides rapid feedback on cable performance and detailed PDF reports.

CTS runs our cable tester products and provides rapid feedback on cable performance and detailed PDF reports.

Quarch Power Studio (QPS) (Example)

Power Studio (or QPS) is a cross-platform application that allows you to capture power traces, digital sidebands and more. It supports the capture and visualisation of data over hours or days. Add annotations, additional custom data channels and calculate statistics. Our simple automation API allows you to test 24/7 without manual intervention. Quarch Power Studio.
Quarch Power Studio

Quarch Compliance Suite (QCS) 

It's never been quicker or easier to qualify your storage system to industry best practice. Discover Quarch Technology's smart, all-encompassing program to automate the hot-plug testing process from start to finish. Based on a cross-platform Java/Python implementation, your tests can be run at the touch of a button. Quarch Compliance Suite.

Quarch Compliance Suite

Quarch Instrument Server (Example)

Is a simple Java application which handles communication with Quarch Power Modules, allowing easy scripted automation with no additional drivers needed. QIS is distributed by QPS (Quarch Power Studio) and Quarchpy (our Python automation package.)

Quarch Instrument Server